Few things have such a significant impact on our lives—particularly on the way we work—as mobile phones and tablets. From sending texts to accessing GPS navigation, no one could have guessed that the once-ugly Motorola “brick” phone in 1973 would develop to become such an integral part of our lives.

Just as mobile phones change, so too do marketing techniques.

This year, 2015, is the first year mobile traffic actually exceeded that of desktop traffic—and this has opened a new world of ideas to pursue to reach potential customers. In the next coming year (and beyond), here are some of the top trends in mobile marketing:

An Explosion of Apps

Google has been offering app indexing for a while. As rankings for apps become more complex, the next few years will lead to more business owners realizing the advantages of creating an app in terms of search visibility. This could mean a possible explosion of apps, although we are still a few years away from these apps completely replacing websites as a medium.

More Traction for Wearable Technology and IoT

Apps are becoming reflections of our lifestyles and less about their individual features. Some integrate wearable technology, such as the Apple Watch, which has spawned plenty of imitators. In the next few years, wearable devices will be even more dominant as less expensive alternatives are being released.

Consequently, with more users joining in on the wearables bandwagon and other so-called Internet of Things (IoT) devices, brands have an opportunity to perform highly targeted marketing.

The Domination of Video Ads

While video ads are not new, but those running on social media channels will particularly become more prevalent. The next few years is also set to be different because Google is finally incorporating video ads in the search results, making way for a rise in in-SERP video advertising. It seems Facebook and Twitter are getting in on the video ad game as well.

This is a sign that users are becoming more accepting of video ads online.

It seems that 2016 is bursting at the seams with so much mobile potential—and for businesses like you, this is the time to take advantage of what’s coming your way. Spike Interactive, one of the leading providers of SEO services, can help you. We are dedicated to helping businesses keep up with the changes and rise up to success.

Call today to start your journey with us.